Foreign Language Proficiency Scale

All of the Russian girls profiled by mail order bride site A Volga Girl were asked to consult the scale below so that they could effectively self-report which category best describes their foreign language proficiency. Please note that foreign language proficiency is one of the selection components offered within our database search engine.

May we suggest that Russian girls reporting
LEVELS 0-3 be sent translated messages.

LEVELS 4 and 5 are fluent, and these Russian girls
be able to manage correspondence presented
in English.


I don't know English (German/French when applicable) at all.
My skills require your letters to be translated into Russian.


I remember some phrases I learned in school, but I cannot read,
write or speak English. My skills require that your letters to be
translated into Russian.


I can translate a very simple letter, but with difficulty, and can say
some phrases. I will understand you if you speak basic English very
slowly and in simple words. My skills require that your letters to be
translated into Russian.


I can translate a letter with a dictionary, though it may take a few
. I can talk with you in limited English if you speak slowly
and distinctly. I would appreciate that your initial letter of
introduction be translated into Russian. (Level 3 is a "grey area")


I translate letters and speak English without difficulties. If I don't
understand some words, you can explain them to me using other
words with similar meanings. It would be better for you not to
speak with your usual speed, but you don't have to slow your
speech very much.


I have a fluent knowledge of English, but I may not know
specific terminology.


Togliatti Time
02:38:36 PM



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